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Chicken Raised right

We believe it’s right to raise chickens right, and anyone who says otherwise is simply wrong.
‘Chicken raised right’ means that the right farmers use the right feed in the right environment, allowing chickens to live the right way. It’s right for our chickens, and it’s right for you too.


Slow Growing Breed

Our chickens are a traditional slow growing breed that matures sloooowly…at nature’s pace. This makes for a great-tasting, succulent chicken.

Born & Raised On Our Farms

Our chickens are born and raised on the same family farm, generation after generation (often by farmers raised on the same family farm, generation after generation).

That’s right because it means familiar surroundings from the moment they’re born. They can tóg go bog é (chill) and calmly find their way around their home without all the hustle and bustle.

Grain Fed From Our Own Mills

We feed our chickens a really healthy grain-based diet made at our very own mill. Even though it’s a secret recipe, we can let you in on a few secrets:

Our multi-grain feed is a special blend of…guess what? We’re not going to tell you. Because, well, it’s a secret, right? We’ve been perfecting it for nearly 50 years now, so we promise it’s just right.

More space to grow

Our chickens have more than enough space to spread their wings and grow freely and comfortably while enjoying their surroundings.

Just a few chicken feet away, there’s plenty of space to play with perches, seesaws, straw bales, swings and even…drumroll…instruments (yes, pianos and guitars!) for their enjoyment. It’s the right type of environment to grow up in.

What’s the story?

We take animal welfare seriously, so all of our chickens are slow growing. That means they’re raised naturally…at their own natural pace…nice ‘n’ easy…just as nature intended.

When chickens are raised with this much grá, you know they’re raised right.

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The right stuff

Free Range

Whole Chicken

Farmers Own

Whole Chicken

Farmers Own

Whole Chicken

Farmers Own

Diced Chicken Breast

Farmers Own

Chicken Breast Fillets

Farmers Own

Skinless Chicken Thigh Fillets

Free Range

Chicken Breast Fillets

Free Range

Whole Chicken


Ah, now. You were hardly going to visit our website without having a look at some recipes, were you? G’wan. Have a gander and see what’s for dinner.


The right environment is what’s right for our chickens and we do everything under the sun to make sure we get sustainability right.

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Packaging To Make Life easier

Our reduced, smart packaging is all about making your life easier and doing our bit for the planet. It’s about minimising handling and minimising packaging too.

Did we mention it’s also a bit more glas (that’s ‘green’, for those with just cúpla focail) than traditional packaging?
Well, it is. Because it’s the right thing to do.

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